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Customer Service

No, as a Management Platform it is a payment for monthly use of it.

The data is hosted on the servers of the company IBERONET. They have security levels that certify the protection of data, within the European security standards.

It can be used from anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection.

It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The operation is all online. As soon as the cash desk are closed, the Point of Sale Terminals send all the information of the day to the Platform. Tickets, articles, people who have used it, etc. In this way, all the information is accessible to the Administration staff so that they can work with it.

All customer trainings are made based on what they want to do with the Platforms and their needs. That is to say, standard training is not made since each company has its own criteria.

We have User Manuals, and a service of assistance to them. The difference of our Services is that they can be associated with more Professional Services, such as the training of administrative staff at accounting level and even advice on the preparation and presentation of the Tax Agency’s models. This is the big difference. It is not ONLY a Cloud Management Platform.


Once the needs of the users have been defined, a Professional Services Contract is drawn up, which includes all the services agreed with the client.


We have a Department that processes grants. These may include the connection of the Platform with Point of Sale Terminals, with online stores, web making, commercial promotion, etc. They depend on the type of subsidy.

The Demo is one more company that is in the cloud and that serves, as its name suggests, to make demonstrations. It only takes 15 minutes.But it is also interesting to know the needs of the client to explain those options of the same that are of interest to them.

Not only the LOGO, but you can also select the language of the client in the generation of the documentation. That is, if the customer needs the invoices in English, the format of the invoices is in this language.


The Platform is multi-user and multilanguage. This greatly facilitates the work of the faculty as you can see what each student is doing wherever they are. Costs are reduced and the level of training is increased.

Of course. Not only can you work with the platform in English, but you can use our Professional Services for the development of your activities and your relations with the Official Agencies. We can do multi-band videoconferences to answer all your questions.

We have offices in different parts of Spain, as well as a whole Organization of Services through Internet, telephone, and even face-to-face where we have physical presence.

Our first Society was created in 1994. Since then we offer Holistic Services to freelancers and companies, including the development of cloud management platforms. The use of the Cloud Platforms began in 2006.

Once a study has been carried out, by our Consultants, we can adapt the Platforms to your needs. We can even study the possibilities of processing a subsidy.

Of course. And at different points. Orders or delivery notes can be made from one place, invoiced from another. Even keep the accounts from elsewhere, which facilitates the work of managers or advisors.

Through us, and our Franchisees, we can offer you the services of the Consulting Professionals: tax, labor, accounting. In addition, Informatics and information and processing of Subventions and Subsidies.

We can carry you, with the Platform, your accounting, or even teach you how to enter the data in it. To make your job easier, you can work in German, and queries, either by email or videoconference, can also be answered in German.

With our Platform, you do not need to have a physical office as you can access it at any time, from anywhere and from any geographical point.

Ready to take control of your business?

Contact us and request a demo without commitment.